No accidental encounters.

The divine and miraculous stare us in the face every day, if only we allow them to manifest.

There are no chance meetings or accidental encounters.

God is present in every face-to-face, every encounter, and every conversation you have today.

However, God’s presence is often missed, clouded by the noise and filters of our own thoughts, feelings, agendas, and preconceived ideas that we bring into each interaction with others.

Today, you can choose to change that by shifting your expectations.

Approach life with the attitude that there are no ‘chance meetings’ and no accidental encounters. Look out consciously for the divine in each encounter and meeting, and you will be making room for miracles and blessings to show up in your life.

Every interaction is intentional, brimming with divine purpose and design.

Blessings, Grace, and Love to you always.

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